
This is a guilt-free blog.  I don't have it all figured out.  I don't even pretend to have it all figured out...but, what I do have is a God that is full of Grace.  Grace that is freely given.  Grace that fills in all the cracks in my life.  His Grace is enough.

I'm still learning...every day...what it means to be a godly wife and helpmeet.  What it means to truly love recklessly.  I am learning patience, oh, am I learning patience!  I am learning to see my children's hearts, and not just the messes they make.  I am learning to serve, even when it hurts.  I am learning to rest.

I want a simple life.  I want a life that is so full of love and hope and gratitude that there isn't room for anything else. Thank you for joining me on this journey.  I hope you find encouragement and refreshment.  I hope you find inspiration and simplicity. 

So grab a cup of tea and make yourself at home.
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